Empowered Moon Designs. The concept of my business name was originally conceived for cultivating the moon’s energy during its many phases (new moon for manifesting, full moon for releasing) to create magical jewelry that can energetically empower and metaphysically heal others.

My intention is that by inviting lunar energy into my craft, I am not only connecting to the natural rhythms of nature such as the moon phases, solar events, pagan wheel of the year, and seasonality, I am also combining my passion for creativity, yoga, meditation, and witchcraft.

Although my focus is on moon magic, I have discovered that the goddess archetypes parallel the lunar phases and astrological signs. In tandem, these astrological signs correspond to aromatherapy, divination, reiki elements, and magical symbolism. The interconnectedness of these topics has fixed my interest and even though I am partial to them, my mystical knowledge is evergrowing and not limited to them exclusively. Empowered Moon Designs is the embodiment of these interests in which I can hone my intuition while integrating researched magical properties into tangible objects. These products are designed to be worn with the intention to empower oneself and establish a sense of collective unity.

As someone who is poetic, empathic, and identifies as a witch, I am fascinated by the numerous beneficial metaphysical properties of New Age spirituality. By digging into these magical correspondences associated with gemstones for jewelry, the knowledge I acquired has been fruitful in my journey of spiritual self discovery and thus giving birth to Empowered Moon Designs. For me, publicly honouring and reclaiming the words “witch” and “witchcraft” is a way to encourage people to step back into their personal power, finding self-confidence in themselves and their abilities, and promoting healthy self-expression through intentional practice.

Afterall, yoga and witchcraft can be perceived as rituals that inspire grounding oneself in the present moment, setting intentions, repeating mantras or affirmations, going with the flow, and trusting the process of the universe. I am essentially carving out a path for connection and wisdom with this business for other like-minded individuals to join, sort of like a coven of spiritual enthusiasts!